Website Legal Policies

a gaming and interactive design major works on a laptop


ӰƵ (“ӰƵ” or “University”) provides the information and services on this website under the following terms and conditions. By accessing and/or using this website, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.


ӰƵ makes World Wide Web resources available to all segments of the University community, and may provide listings of and/or links to web pages maintained by University faculty, students, staff, student organizations, non-University organizations and others. The University web space may contain web pages that have been edited and maintained by the University, its schools, departments or other administrative offices, as well as web pages generated by groups or individuals.

ӰƵ departments, schools and administrative offices strive to ensure the accuracy of their web pages. If you have a question or concern regarding any of the ӰƵ web pages, contact that department directly.

Personal, individual or group web pages are not endorsed, edited or approved by ӰƵ. The content and the items accessible from the pages are the sole responsibility of their creators, and do not represent positions, policies or opinions of ӰƵ. If you have any questions about a particular page or document, please contact the website’s author directly.

Some ӰƵ web pages may contain links to web pages created by sources outside the University. The existence of these links does not suggest that ӰƵ approves or endorses the content of these web pages.

Information and documents provided on this website are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. ӰƵ uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website; it does not, however, make any warranties or representations as to its accuracy or completeness. ӰƵ periodically adds, changes, improves or updates the information and documents on this website without notice. ӰƵ assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this website. Your use of this website is at your own risk.


ӰƵ adheres to a policy that restricts collecting personal information about our web visitors unless you agree to make this information available. ӰƵ web servers also routinely collect and store information from online visitors to help manage our websites and improve service, and to maintain and monitor the functionality of our web servers and systems:

  • Internet address of computer or device
  • Type of browser or other client application used
  • The operating system of the computer or device
  • Web pages requested
  • Cookies
  • Referring web pages
  • Time spent on the website

Cookies are pieces of information stored by your web browser on behalf of a website and returned to the website on request. This website may use cookies for two purposes: to carry data about your current session at the website from one web page to the next and to identify you to the website between visits. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you may turn them off in your browser or may set your browser to ask you before accepting a new cookie. Some pages may not function properly if the cookies are turned off. Unless otherwise notified on this website, we will not store data, other than for these two purposes, in cookies. Cookies remain on your computer, and accordingly we neither store cookies on our computers nor forward them to any external parties. Unless otherwise notified on this website, we do not use cookies to track your movement among different websites and do not exchange cookies with other entities.

If you do share personal information with us, we agree not to sell that information to any commercial entities. Some information must be saved for a designated period of time to comply with Florida’s records retention policies, and may be released if required by the Florida’s Public Records Law.

If you have questions about any of our web policies, please feel free to contact us.


You acknowledge and agree that by providing ӰƵ with any personal information through the website, you consent to the transmission of such personal information over international borders as necessary for processing in accordance with ӰƵ’s standard business practices and the ӰƵ website Privacy Statement.


Access to and use of this website is subject to all applicable international, federal, state and local laws and regulations. You agree not to use the ӰƵ website in any way which violates such laws or regulations.


The name ӰƵ and its trademarks, symbols and logos are trademarked and owned by ӰƵ, and cannot be used without the prior expressed written permission of ӰƵ.

All information, graphics, and design contained on this website, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright © 2009 ӰƵ (ӰƵ), and are owned by ӰƵ. All rights to this material are reserved. Permission to reproduce ӰƵ web materials for commercial applications must be obtained in writing. The materials contained in this website may not be modified in any way. All rights to these materials are reserved to ӰƵ and/or the copyright owners who license such materials to us. Where indicated, prior permission to use, download, reproduce, publicly display or reprint any of these materials must be obtained from ӰƵ or other copyright owner.

Graphics or materials that are not created by ӰƵ are so noted, and their trademarks or rights are retained by the originators.

Information on this website may be changed or updated without notice. ӰƵ may also make improvements and/or changes to the information described on this website at any time without notice. When a conflict arises between information provided on this website and that provided in print, the print version should be followed. ӰƵ makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which may be accessed through the ӰƵ website. When you access a non-ӰƵ website, please understand that it is independent from ӰƵ, and that ӰƵ has no control over the content on that website. In addition, a link to a non-ӰƵ website does not mean that ӰƵ endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of said website.


ӰƵ is committed to protecting the rights of copyright holders and seeks to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of intellectual property. Notices related to intellectual property related violations on this website should be e-mailed to us.


Without limiting any of the foregoing or hereunder, ӰƵ, the ӰƵ logo, ӰƵ emblems, ӰƵ names and nicknames, ӰƵ domain names and ӰƵ slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of ӰƵ. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.


Faculty, staff and student organizations may use ӰƵ resources to create web pages that carry out official University business in support of ӰƵ’s missions.

These pages however, may not link to personal web pages. Furthermore, ӰƵ’s resources may not be used to create web pages for personal business or personal gain. The University does allow for pages that provide information about an individual that is relevant to that individual’s role at ӰƵ.

Each ӰƵ Web contributor is responsible for the posting of information that is accurate and current. All homepages are expected to use accurate, standardized information on enrollment, research funding, number of faculty, number of buildings, acreage, finances, etc., which is available from the offices of the appropriate office component.

Contents of all web pages must follow ӰƵ standards regarding nondiscrimination, and must conform to ӰƵ policies as well as federal, state and local laws.


ӰƵ departmental websites will be represented by name on the ӰƵ website using the existing ӰƵ web address first, with the Departmental name listed after the location “/.”


Although ӰƵ monitors the information on the website, some of the information is supplied by independent third parties. While ӰƵ makes every effort to insure the accuracy of all information on the website, ӰƵ makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any such information.

When using an off-campus third-party vendor to build or administer a site that is considered a legal ӰƵ website extension, ӰƵ is responsible for insuring that the vendor follows University policy, including ADA guidelines. ADA compliance must be part of any contract for web services.

All third-party vendor websites related to ӰƵ must follow the ӰƵ web template. No modifications may be made by vendors to any official ӰƵ web templates, images, logos or coding. All vendor websites must follow ӰƵ web policy and legal guidelines. No vendor website will be posted until reviewed by ӰƵ’s Marketing Department. Domain names relating to ӰƵ can only be registered by Marketing. Domain names that have been registered by third-party vendors without consent from ӰƵ will be re-registered back to ӰƵ ownership of the domain, with the appropriate updates made to the domain registry. Failure to comply with this and with all ӰƵ web policies will result in legal action.



  1. Vendors must work within the ӰƵ web template structure.
  2. Vendors must deliver all applicable site files, including original, editable graphics, web files, animations and templates, to ӰƵ upon completion of the project.
  3. Vendors must accommodate all of the standards in the ӰƵ Web Policy.
  4. Vendors must agree not to use the ӰƵ templates, or any components of the templates, for any client other than ӰƵ. They also agree not to use the ӰƵ templates or any derivations or related designs for any advertising or promotional purposes.
  5. Vendors must agree that the products of their work on behalf of ӰƵ (including websites, site files and all site components) are the sole property of ӰƵ.
  6. Vendors must agree not to actively solicit clients or “advertise” their services on campus.
  7. Vendors must agree not to use any component of the ӰƵ website design, standards, templates or guidelines to advertise or promote their web development services to clients or potential clients.


ӰƵ is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Disability Discrimination Act (1995), and the Special Education Needs and Disability Act (2001). To meet the requirements set out by the two Acts, ӰƵ has created this website in accordance with W3C’s Accessibility Initiative Guidelines.


ӰƵ complies with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of age, gender, disability, veteran status, race, color or national origin in any employment practice, admissions, education program or educational activity. This nondiscrimination policy covers admissions, employment and access to and treatment in University programs, services and activities.


Security of information transmitted through the Internet can never be guaranteed; therefore, ӰƵ is not responsible for any interception or interruption of any communications through the Internet or for changes to or losses of data. You are responsible for maintaining the security of any password, user ID or other form of authentication involved in obtaining access to password protected or secure areas of the ӰƵ website. In order to protect you and your data, ӰƵ may suspend your use of a client website, without notice, pending an investigation, if any breach of security is suspected.


Access to and use of password protected and/or secure area of the website is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access to such areas is prohibited and may lead to criminal prosecution.


You agree not to modify, move, add to, delete or otherwise tamper with the information contained in ӰƵ’s website. You also agree not to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or unlawfully use or reproduce any of the software, copyrighted or trademarked materials, trade secrets or other proprietary information contained in the website.


Under no circumstances shall ӰƵ be liable for any damages suffered by you, including any incidental, special or consequential damages (including, without limitation, any lost profits or damages for business interruption, loss of information, programs or other data) that result from access to, use of, or inability to use this website, or due to any breach of security associated with the transmission of information through the Internet, even if ӰƵ was advised of the possibility of such damages.


Graphics and photographs that appear on the ӰƵ website are the property of ӰƵ. Graphics and photographs that are uploaded to the CMS for use on ӰƵ websites will be reviewed and approved by the Assistant Writer before being posting online.


Links may be text-based using the words: “ӰƵ” or “pba.edu” (the “Licensed Marks”). You may not use the ӰƵ logo as a link. By linking, you acknowledge and agree that, other than as set forth herein, all rights to the Licensed Marks, other ӰƵ marks, the content appearing on the ӰƵ website and the design of the ӰƵ website belong to ӰƵ.

You may not create frames around ӰƵ‘s web pages or use other techniques that alter in any way the visual presentation or appearance of ӰƵ’s website.

You must not misrepresent your relationship with ӰƵ or present false or misleading impressions about ӰƵ. No links to ӰƵ‘s website may be used in a manner that implies or suggests that ӰƵ approves or endorses you, your website, or your goods and services (in all cases, except as ӰƵ may have agreed separately with you in writing).

This website may contain links that access other websites not under the control of ӰƵ. The links are only provided as a convenience, and ӰƵ does not endorse any of these websites. ӰƵ assumes no responsibility or liability for any material that may be accessed on other websites or reached through this website, nor does ӰƵ make any representation regarding the quality of any product or service contained at any such website.

ӰƵ prohibits unauthorized links to the website and the framing of any information contained on the website or any portion of the website. ӰƵ reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames. ӰƵ has no responsibility or liability for any material on other websites that may contain links to this website.

No link(s) may appear on any page on your website or within any context containing content or materials that may be interpreted as libelous, obscene or criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation of, any third party rights. ӰƵ shall have no responsibility or liability for any content appearing on your website. You agree to indemnify and defend ӰƵ against all claims arising out of or based upon your website.

ӰƵ may at any time, in its sole discretion, without cause, terminate the license granted herein to use the Licensed Marks, and your right to link to any pages on the ӰƵ website. In such event upon request, you agree to immediately remove all links to ӰƵ‘s website and to cease using the Licensed Marks.